Environment Education Programme (EEP)

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, has initiated National Green Corps(MGC) under the scheme Environment Education,  Awareness and Training in the year 2001-2002 with an objective to impart knowledge among school children through hands on experience, about their immediate environment,  interactions within it and the problems therein with an aim to inculcate proper attitudes towards the environment and to sensitize children on the environmental issues as children have no vested interest in out future and impressionable and single most important influence in any family.  The NGC programme was implemented as the flagship programme of MOEF&CC for non-formal environment education till 2021-22.

The main objectives of NGC are

  • To make children understand environment and environmental problems.
  • To provide environmental education opportunities for school children.
  • To utilize the unique position of school children as conducts for awareness of the society at large.
  • To facilitate children’s participation in decision making in areas related to environment and development.
  • To bring children into direct contact with the environmental problems facing the society they live in and make them think of solutions.
  • To involve children in action based programmes related to environment in their surroundings.